cat-loveThis site is dedicated to those balls of fur who have a way of bringing out the joy in us.  No matter how bad my day might have been I can count on getting an affection overload from my motley crew of felines.  They each have their own unique dispositions, and all are willing to trade licks for a scratch, a nudge for a chin chirp, and occasionally a claw prick when demanding attention. We share a symbiotic relationship “as long as you feed me, clean after me, give me plenty of toys, play time, and endless attention… I’ll return a moment of affection to show how much I love you!”  Those moments are priceless.

Though I’m just getting the PurrBuzz project up and running, I hope you’ll check in every now and then, share it with a friend, and most of all that you will go away with a smile after visiting.